When ah boy decides to play! Afterall , all work and no play makes us all bored! (NCF 2016 Public Service Announcement)

Wah time flies man. So fast one year liao ah!! It's that time of the year ah boy asks u to spend a few hours and 10 dollars to have fun la! Play game , chit chat , maybe share or learn more about finance and make more friends! See my post last year about it here . Ya , National Cashflow Competition is back. Game is still the same , Asset Finesse , Venue also still the same. What is the National Cashflow Competition 2016? National Cashflow Competition (NCF) 2016 is the largest annual event proudly presented to you by NTU Investment Interactive Club (NTU-IIC). This year, their organising committee is happy to introduce a locally designed board game, Asset Finesse ™ (AF). This board game is suitable for anyone that seeks to understand the economics of Singapore, to appreciate the uniqueness of a small but economically-powerful nation. More importantly, it provides players with a fun-learning experience about finance in general. ...