Teen to another Teen , Your question , My answer .

Hi in another segment of my diary , i've turned legal age to go and purchase a bottle of red/white (Those who don't get this , wait for the answer in another 3 years, you'll understand , eventually . ) All right , let's begin proper. So in a Facebook post , i asked my friends what they would like to see me write about and Branson Lee said " The different approaches you make before making a buy the things you consider etc " For starters , my approach or rather rationale for this way of me investing is simple. Don't pick or go and whack counters that you know that with your holding in it , you'll toss and turn around in bed , in my dialect , it's called " koon bway loh " , so for those that are thinking of doing this kind of move , think again . MAKE SURE YOU CAN SLEEP AT NIGHT , and SOUNDLY TOO! Before i make any move , i'll do these 4 steps . 1) Eyes open big big , legs don't shake. People...