Chicken Rice with Uncle Rich !

Hi there peeps ! Ah boy is back with his musings this time with my new found partner in crime (erhem lunch ba) .... so i decided to do a short interview of uncle rich for some of the younger readers to hopefully absorb a bit from :) So background info , some of y'all might know uncle rich from reading his blog , for those who haven't , nvm ah ken now intro to u! LOL , uncle rich is a working adult , a retail investor like most of us , and also married (my female readers , sorry lar , nvm , u ask uncle rich match make for u also can :p ) So yea, some of y'all were saying that my singlish musing a bit *sue sae after the last post in more standard ang mor , so , singlish is back ! *(lose the 阵 , dialect to english translation you go figure la) Long story cut short lar , here it goes. I asked him 11 Qns , let's see his answers! Picture courtesy of Auntie Rich ! 1) Investor / Trader / Campuran ( Bahasa? ) Ans: I am still pretty new to...