2 in 1 post , An evening with AK Part 2 & 3

OK! Way Way Overdue review of the evening i had the chance to spend in a room with  ASSI AK aka the russian gun on my blogger list that i frequent.
(This russian gun knows how to taiji one! read on for more eh)

Nuff said , let us begin proper. The event was nice , both evenings had different crowds , from all walks of life. I didn't attend part 1 , so the 1st evening is part 2 ah.

1st Evening (Part 2)
Crowd enthu , simi qns also shoot ,more seasoned investors, counters and issues discussed ranged from S Chips , REITs , Biz trusts , hospitality Trusts etc etc . SembCorp , Keppy la , erhem some o&g firms la.... (those who were there sure noted buying or selling interest increase the next trading day lor! ) Some of the Qns that AK felt could be better handled , he taiji to the panelists lor!

Some salient points from Part 2:
i) Know and determine what you're in a stock , reit , etc , alternative investment first 
ii)Time your investments, trades.
iii)DYODD , as emphasized numerous times by AK , don't follow the herd!
iv) AK's pyramid which i find is rather practical for some of my younger readers!
Uncle AK, sorry if your arms look deformed here ah , ah boy no photography skills la. 

So continuing with point 4 , this pyramid is made up of cash for the base , and holds the most value in AK's portfolio as it is a war chest , where he can go shopping in Mr Market's mama shop when a GFC hits (Example nia ah , dun later say ah boy say GFC coming soon , 不要害我! )

Then comes the income portion where it consists of assets that give out the milk they get frm milking the cows in their stables to the shareholders , 90% profits distribution type fall into income.

Then comes the growth stocks with DIVIDENDS (Income) . These counters retain some of their profits for future use.

Then comes growth whereby the thing in it for retail investors like ah boy is the capital appreciation thru the chiong-ing of the share prices la.

Lastly , ah boy's favorite , the CASINO!! SGX got casino one wor , somemore no need $100 for entry! Just pay minimum comms and the share price for u to start yr game! Do note , this section should not consist of aga aga more than 15%-20% of your portfolio , ah boy is quite liberal with this percentage as AK say typically this portion takes up less than or not more than his annual income via dividends which hor , for him last year was somewhere in the 100k range? Fierce hor , i know , but for the casino part , pay what u can lose , and know when to cut the losses. Why annual income via dividends for AK? Simple , so one year later , he is a 老汉again (erhem , i meant 好汉 , sorry for the typo :P )
**Do note , the risk level increases as the tiers start to become smaller in the pyramid ah!**

The panelists for the first session were more of the investing bunch , idk la , but that was what i felt from the vibe , also from the crowd. We had a nice mix of panelists , value investor sean seah , ser jing , rusmin. Ak has gathered the 武林高手 , young and younger leh.
Picx missing Sean Seah from Value Investing College.
See, AK's pose macam the 高手 when he is about to strike!
2nd Evening
Crowd was a general mix of younger working adults , at least i didn't stick out like a sore thumb la , or so i would like to think. This time around AK on the advice of a certain hr professional present during the first session did a mini-ice breaker to get to know the audience's demographic better. It turns out that most in the room had an average of 5 years or less of investing & trading experience(if i recall correctly). 

Some Points from Part 3:
i)When in doubt , NIBBLE , one lot or two lots la .... i poked ak about his nibbling size and his nibble is really a nibble! Plus now sgx lets u buy 100 shares ma , so test water , still ok la

ii)Macro/Micro ? Which type of a person are you? Which situations do you work best around? Etf - Macro? Specific Counters for Micro, when u can spill figures , numbers , facts , ratios around the back of your hand? At the end of the day ah boy feels that , once u find your style , you will know one , and you will auto change some stuff here and there along the way to your portfolio de.

iii)ANALYZE , your analysis need not be in depth , but it better well guide you into the direction that your style leads to , also REVISE , theories can be revised , good results can be better , losses can be minimised , profits can be greater. It's a learning process and enjoy this process.

iv)TIMING , don't become a long long long term investor from a trader.

Nice Picx stolen from Yune Ki :p

The panelists for this session was a mix , we had the zoo operator SMOL -Singapore Man Of Leisure who was half sick , but mentally very alert , Brian Halim of 3Fs - Forever Financial Freedom , a micro-analyst , i term his as such as he is able to hit out figures , ratios at the back of his mind , and i 佩服 him and Paul Chen from Value Investing College. These panelists were put on the hot seat , i assure you , i can see AK throwing knives at them lor , hahahaha , and all they could do was look and answer the questions. This mix did the trick for me as there was a lot of brain juice for me to absorb in AK's words ah "Go Pick Their Brains!!" 

Overall this type of chit chat session is good! Next time must ask AK to buy 50 curry puff from OCK le hehe , the next session is in MAY 2015 tentatively? Our 老汉 (erhem 好汉 needs a bit of rest) , the other plus point was the fact that the $ raised from the sale of ticx was going to charity!! Ah boy pay this one gladly though i still grumble about paypal's fees la hahahaha.

Till Next Time 

Ken (Ah Boy)


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