I'm Unemployed!!!! For a day that is.

Yo ! Ah Boy is finally "UMEMPLOYED" !! Funny leh , unemployed and yet i'm so happy.... i know what you must be thinking... this ah boy siao liao ah? For me , being unemployed is one of the happiest thing that has happened to me , because i've finally graduated from my studies!! Damn , after endless nights of nightmares , i finally turn from full time student to .... unemployed. Well for my off day , i decided to KLKK ( Hokkien for walking around ). An acquaintance alerted me to a news article a while back in the papers , with a portfolio shown every week done up by CFA professionals as part of a moneysense initiative , a short 2 hour seminar will be held every 2 monthsor so ba. I also managed to meet up with my accountant , to settle tax issues (Remember to file your taxes soon ah! ) and also to do a bit of business reorganisation as part of my portfolio review. For the most part , the seminar focused on enforcing or rather instilling the discipline that...